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Carmen Tomé
A Painting with iCOAT Premium Wall Finish November 27th, 2015
A few years ago I was on a Faux Forum where I became acquainted with the Inventor/ Owner of ICoat, Tim Phelps. He had something new he wanted to try out and I was one of a few artists that volunteered to experiment and come up with something new. While I did not do a wall as intended, you can see from the photos shown here of my painting that interesting effects can be created.
The Call April 3rd, 2015
I want to share with you my latest painting THE CALL. The original is 42x42" with acrylic, resin, marble dust, pencil, on wood. As part of my stone series, the marble represents that truth is written in stone. The horse represents the horse that will be summoned by Christ for the end time ride as revealed in Revelation. For those interested in purchasing it, there are beautiful prints in different sizes up to 20x20.
A portrait of mom and dad July 16th, 2013
My new portrait painting is of my Mom and Dad. I had taken a couple quick shots of them at a picnic table a couple years ago and used this as reference to paint. Done in mixed media, the painting was created on canvas with plaster (that I made) and acrylic for an old world ambience.